“This tournament is not affiliated with or sponsored by Electronic Arts Inc. or its licensors.” 

Thank you for your interest in playing in the FIFA 20 championship hosted by the Sierra Leone Grammar School Old Boys Association Foundation Trust (SLGSOBA).  We are a charity registered in England and Wales (1146279) and Company No: 07806269 aimed to continue the legacy of world class learning at SLGS, West Africa oldest secondary school.

Classico comes to the classroom! Derby de Regentonia – FIFA 20 CHAMPIONSHIP
Our online FIFA 20 tournament will crown SLGS’s first ever Fifa Champions, and secure one masterful team a lifetime of bragging rights.

Matches are played simultaneously online, beginning with a knock out group phase, progressing to the drama of the knockout phase and finishing with the Inter House finals on 5th December 20 and Inter School Finals on 27th December 20 – and with it the chance to be crowned Champions.

Forget the Premier League, Champions League and World Cup – this is the big one!